Thursday, November 18, 2010

I've been neglecting this, but with good reason.

Well, mostly.

Ravi, Dexter, Figlet and IBack in September my husband came home on leave from Afghanistan. We had just over two weeks together with nothing to do or get in the way. Needless to say, my priorities changed instantly and drastically.

By the time he had to go back I had fallen out of the habit of writing here. I had formed new habits which took precedence and kept blogs out of mind. Once I had the time and mind to update this blog I didn't much have the desire. (And the dogs rejoiced! For computer time is lame time to the spotty duo.)

But here I am, back again. With photos and video!

Witness the spotty duo welcoming their favourite guy in the whole wide world home:

(Dexter had already welcomed him home when this video was taken. This was Fig's turn and Dex did NOT want to be left out. I can't say that I blame him.)


  1. OMG how sweet...I am so weepy right now...that must have been such a great welcome home for your hubby. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment with us!
